
Global Journey Music and Audio CDs offer the very best selling and most comprehensive selection of original CDs Worldwide. Our high quality music is composed and performed by leading professional musicians and artists who have worked for many of our mainstream recording stars, International Orchestras and for Film and TV. Our current music categories include Wellbeing, Relaxation & New-Age, World music, Nature & Music, Nature Sounds and Children's.

The demand for Concept/Theme inspired music and audio through non traditional stores is continuing to increase at an ever faster pace. Global Journey Music and Audio CDs offer the very best selling and most comprehensive selection of original CDs in the UK, US and Europe.

Global Journey music offers

  • Excellent margins
  • Proven high turnover
  • Exceptional sound quality, way ahead of downloads
  • Over 50% of album sales are on CD
  • Avoid PRS fees by playing Global Journey music in store.
  • Latest technology interactive displays

View our interactive music stands


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Nature & Music

Combining the best in relaxation music with the naturally therapeutic effects of the sounds of nature, produce this series of serene classics. The variety of musical styles and a huge collection of nature sounds ensure that each album is unique.

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Nature Sounds

The Music Of The Earth. Perfect for nature lovers and an ideal way of relieving stress. Fabulous field recordings of a diverse selection of naturescapes, habitats and wildlife from around the world weaving together to complete an awesome portrayal of our natural environment.

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relaxation and new-age music

& New-Age

Our relaxation and new-age titles cover a huge variety of musical styles; some merged with nature and some without, performed by top quality musicians with years of experience in the industry.

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wellbeing music


Global Journey’s Wellbeing Series encompasses a range of releases centred on self improvement.

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world music

World Music

Combining the best in relaxation music with the naturally therapeutic effects of the sounds of nature, produce this series of serene classics. The variety of musical styles and a huge collection of nature sounds ensure that each album is unique.

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Extra Advantages! Avoid PRS/ASCAP/BMI!

The majority of the music tracks on Global Journey CDs are owned outright by the company. As both copyright and publication rights owners, retailers playing and selling only Global Journey music in store are exempt from paying for a public performance licence. To retail store owners this represents a significant saving, especially for multiple site owners.

About Us

Global Journey Music and Audio CDs offer the very best selling and most comprehensive selection of original CDs Worldwide. Our high quality music is composed and performed by leading professional musicians and artists who have worked for many of our mainstream recording stars, International Orchestras and for Film and TV. Our current music categories include Wellbeing, Relaxation & New-Age, World music, Nature & Music and Nature Sounds.

Meet the team